Looking for Dental Care Information?

We compile our own information, links, resources and more to help you with pre- and post-care support.

Common Questions

Why do we put Fluoride Varnish on teeth?

The Benefits of Fluoride Varnish Fluoride varnish is an excellent way to protect your teeth against tooth decay!  First , it helps to strengthen your teeth against acid attacks by the bacteria found in plaque.  Second, it  can actually reverse early tooth decay.  And third, it has been proven to reduce the number of the cavity-causing […]

What is Xylitol?

Have you ever been stuck with an X and a Y during a Words with friends or Scrabble game and needed to get rid of them ?   Try the word Xylitol.  Maybe you have heard of it or maybe you haven’t but it is an amazing solution to your oral health and your game play! […]

How can I tell if I have gum disease?

When left unchecked, gum disease–also called periodontitis–causes bone loss in the teeth and jaw, ultimately leading to tooth loss. The inflammation that is symptomatic of gum disease is an immune reaction. It’s the body’s way of trying to attack and get rid of foreign substances, namely food detritus, the bacteria that feed on it, and […]

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Resources (blogs)

Featured Artist: Dave Moreno

We are happy to introduce David Moreno, our newest featured artist. He is  displaying his art in the halls of our office. Quote:  “I believe strongly that our natural environment’s beauty brings us together. Through my photography, I translate this beauty into art that speaks to me, moves me. My goal is to share my […]

Featured Artist: Tonja Wilcox

We have begun displaying the art of local artists in our lobby and hallways.  Our hope is that this is an on-going feature at our office.  The artists will rotate every 3-4 months.   If you know of an artist that would like to show their work in our office, please contact us!   Our […]

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